We're taking a detour from our usual narrative to chart a journey across the Atlantic, touching down in the cultural heartland of Nigeria. Introducing Membis Okorie Chukwukamma, whom many of you might recognize by his enchanting pseudonym, Gurld of Sound of Heartbeatx. For me, labeling him as my 'favourite creator' isn’t an overstatement, but rather a testament to the profound impact he's had on my perception of music and art. Hailing from the rhythmic streets of Nigeria, Gurld's creative essence began with poetry, where he not only embraced the art but also bagged awards for his deep-seated verses. But, poetry was just the beginning. As the world shifted, so did Gurld, metamorphosing into an avant-garde musician and a visionary whose music reverberates with passion, versatility, and sheer genius. There's an old anecdote I cherish: Gurld once helped me build a bridge – not of stone or wood, but of understanding, culture, and mutual respect. It's a tale that's close to my heart, and today, we unravel that chapter along with many others.
So, why did we pass him our Golden Mic? Why will he go down with the greats?
Let's continue our journey of Hip-Hop together, shall we?