Smaller stories offer a chance to flex your creative muscles as a writer. In just five minutes, you can craft an enthralling tale that ignites your imagination and inspires others. We're always seeking new and exciting stories, which is why we're eager to hear from you. Share your most compelling stories, and once we've amassed a few hundred, we'll compile them into a book for everyone to relish. Whether it's an adventure-packed story or a heartwarming tale of love and friendship, there's no limit to what you can create. So what are you waiting for? PS This is 100 words.
The longer I hung from this cliff, the more I thought about my life. I always wanted to surprise my girlfriend but I couldn't afford a diamond. I know she doesn't care about the worth of the ring she just wants to be married to me. My arms were sore and I couldn't hold on any longer I had to let go. While falling, I realized everything I would do differently if I survived. I didn't die, instead I awoke in my bed. I changed a lot of things in my life that morning starting with my girlfriends last name.
-A. Aitken
Once upon a time really close by, a toad was very sad... A cat was standing nearby and happened to pass that toad.....He asked the toad why are you sad? The very sad toad replied...we'll today when I woke up my wife's mama toad wasn't here, she's always here he said...The cat then said don't be sad I'm sure she just woke up a little early today?... The curious toad then went off to look for his wife, and that's things suddenly got strange... As he walked further he started hearing a voice calling honeyyyyyyy that's when he woke up.
-M. Stuffels
Every day she woke up feeling the same. Broken, unhappy and alone. In a sea of people, "friends" or family. Nothing. Nothing made her feel. Today she walked in the opposite direction of where she usually goes. Down past the shops and cafés. Feeling lighter today. Happier, as she watches kids play at the park. The sunshine's bright, not bothering her. She spent hours in this bliss, excited to share it. Walking up to the house she feels a weird sensation in her chest, but it passes, and she goes to freshen up. In the tub lies her lifeless body.
-R. Fish
In this envelope are answers, to questions I've asked myself forever. Who were my parents? I never got to meet them. I approached a private eye and he said if I paid his fee (which took all of my savings) I'd get to see an envelope with my parent's picture in it. He gave it to me three days later and for four days now I've just looked at it. After a week I finally ripped it open and I saw a picture of an envelope and a piece of paper that only had “your parent's picture” written on it.
-A. Aitken
She had everything she thought. She was beautiful and rich. That’s it. Isn’t that all you need to be in this world today? She could count how many friends she had on both her hands so, she was lucky.
One day on her way home from school she came across an elderly woman sitting in the middle of a forest reading a bible. Alone. “Strange, she thought. Who reads bibles anymore?” But, this woman had a glow about her that she'd never seen, a glow that she lacked.
Turns out she didn’t have everything she thought, she didn’t have love.
-M. Sanders
My friend Raymond felt it too. We were in the basement of an old factory downtown. With only a flashlight and a single bulb we turned on with a pull string, the room was, dark, smelly, and dingy. We shouldn't have been there, but our sense of adventure was far beyond our peers. "Hey! Look Davies, a generator!" Raymond exclaimed. Our luck was starting to turn around, generator lights may have actually given us a chance to survive this nightmare. But, when Raymond touched the ON switch for the generator, a voice yelled: "GET OUT!" and the light bulb exploded
-C. LeBlanc
He's been following me since I left the bank, what does he want? Probably to rob or kidnap me. Either way, I didn't want to find out. Can't a woman go out alone without some young hooligan bothering her? I knew when I first saw his baggy pants that he was up to no good. I turned into an alleyway but it was a dead end. I saw him turn in also I ducked down, covered my head, and told him to leave. He told me that I dropped my wallet back there and I felt really embarrassed with myself.
-A. Aitken
Once, there lived a girl, who lived in her mind. Rarely, she visited outside, it brought her discomfort. She looked at the world and thought, "why do I need to be here?" Each day something would crack her home open a little bit each day. She pushed herself out of the boundaries of her mind, she discovered new things that brought upon new emotions. One day she came all the way out, leaving everything she clung to. She became the most beautiful butterfly with the prettiest wings. She free to fly. That's what she was meant to do all along.
-M. Sanders
Don't want food. Throw on VAT across the street. Bishu and Gautam went with a bowl of Fried rice and meat. Two poor boys said, "Uncle, give us." Where to give? Brought a dish. Fill it and went to wash. When they returned, found no one there. Food, lying on the footpath. Surprise. A police jeep stopped. What happened? Hearing this, OC said “last year, two child sitting on this footpath eating waste food from wedding house. One rich son got drunk and ran over them on this foot path. Since then, when someone comes to throw food, they want.
-Asish Basu
As I took the elderly woman to the plane, she and her daughter shared a hug. “I guess this is goodbye, mom. I love you,” the daughter whispered with distressed finality. “Don’t worry. I’ll come back to visit again someday,” the mother happily responded in a comforting tone as tears rolled down her cheek. The daughter believed her for a split second before nodding with a knowing smile. No matter how old we get, we still tell those little white lies to our kids. No matter how old we get, we never stop believing our parents even though we know.
-Manuel Garcia
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